Travel, events & speeches of Klaus F. Zimmermann
- 6; 11-16: University of Iceland, Reykjavík. Lecture The Economics of Fertility Decline on June 12.
- 12; 5-7: Global Online GLO-JOPE Conference 2024 on ‘Population Economics’ with highlights of the Journal of Population Economics (JOPE) papers of 2024 including the presentation of the JOPE 2024 Kuznets Prize, VirtYS Research Paper Sessions and North America & China Jobmarket Sessions. Details.
- 12; 4: UNU-MERIT, Maastricht, The Netherlands. UNU-MERIT will host a workshop on “Innovations and demographic change” at Belvedere. Conference Chair. In-person, but part of the Global Online GLO-JOPE Conference 2024. Details.
- 11; 27-29: Halle, Germany. Migration. Symposium der Klasse IV – Geistes-, Sozial- und Verhaltenswissenschaften der Leopoldina, German National Academy of Sciences. Program Committee, Chair and Presenter. Paper presentation: „Flucht und Arbeit: Vom Mythos zur Wirklichkeit”. Panel member. Program.
- 11; 9-10: Beijing, China. 7th Renmin University of China & GLO Conference 2024 on “Low Fertility and Population Ageing”. Details. Keynote on “The Economics of Fertility Revisited”.
- 11; 8: Beijing, China. Renmin University of China “Employment Panel”. Contribution on German Employment Report.
- 10; 13-17: Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. Research Visit to University of Edinburgh Business School & Royal Society of Edinburgh. On October 15, Zimmermann spoke in a workshop in the University of Edinburgh Business School about “Publishing in Research Journals“. On October 16, he presented his research paper “Parental Gender Stereotypes and Student Wellbeing” at the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Report.
- 10; 11: Groningen, The Netherlands. Visiting University of Groningen to join the Inaugural Lecture of Prof. Milena Nikolova on “The Economics of Happiness”. Report.
- 09; 24-27: Halle, Germany. Leopoldina, German National Academy of Sciences, Internal Meeting of Class IV – Humanities, Social and Behavioural Sciences; Annual Conference (Origin and Beginning of Life). Report.
- 09; 15-16: Technical University Berlin, Germany. Annual Conference. Verein für Socialpolitik (German Economic Association). Conference participation.
- 09; 11-13: Naples, Italy. SITES-GLO Annual Conference. Jointly organized development conference. Program Committee, Chair and Presenter. Paper presentation of “Parental Gender Stereotypes and Student Wellbeing in China”.
- 08; 26-29: Erasmus University Rotterdam, Annual Conference of the European Economic Association (EEA). Paper presentation of “Parental Gender Stereotypes and Student Wellbeing in China” and session chair. More details.
- 08; 4-15: Poland. Study Tour. Posen, Thorn, Marienburg, Danzig, Frauenburg, Masuren, Arys, Warschau, Tschenstochau, Krakau, Auschwitz, Kreisau, Schweidnitz, Breslau.
- 07; 4-6: Istanbul, Turkey. 48th EBES HYBRID conference. Welcome Speech of the President. Session chair.
- 06; 27-29: Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands, Annual Conference of the European Society for Population Economics (ESPE). Paper presentation of “Parental Gender Stereotypes and Student Wellbeing in China”.
- 06; 13-14: University of Verona, Polo di Vicenza, Italy. XXIII AISSEC conference (Italian Association for the Study of Comparative Economic Systems). Keynote on “Refugee Migration in Europe: Past and Present”. Conference website.
- 06; 10-11; Free University Berlin, Germany. Honorary Professor, Organizer & Chair Student Seminar on „Forschung und Politikberatung (Research and Policy Advice)“.
- 05; 30 – 06; 1-2; Heidelberg, Germany. City visit.
- 05; 16-17: Guangzhou, Jinan University, China. 7th IESR-GLO joint workshop on Aging Societies: Healthy Aging, Grandparenting, and Parent- Adult Offspring Relationships.
- 04; 18-20: Berlin, Germany. 47th EBES HYBRID conference. (The first two days will be in person only.) Submission deadline February 29, 2024. Jointly Organized with GLO and FOM University of Applied Sciences, Berlin. GLO organizes a separate program part with separate registration and Paper Call. Participants will have access to all program parts of both conferences. Final program and report.
- 03; 14-15: Köln/Cologne, Germany. Leopoldina Meeting of Section 25, Economics and Empirical Social Sciences, University of Köln, Annual conference participation.
- 03; 1-2: Zürich, Switzerland. Verein für Socialpolitik, Ausschuss für Bevölkerungsökonomik (Section Population Economics). Annual conference participation.
- 12; 4-6: Global Online GLO-JOPE Conference 2023 on ‘Population Economics’ with highlights of the Journal of Population Economics (JOPE) issues 3 & 4 of 2023 including the presentation of the JOPE 2024 Kuznets Prize. Full program and registration details: LINK.
- 10; 26-27: Guangzhou, Jinan University, China. 6th IESR-GLO joint conference on “Gender Issues and Domestic Violence”. Welcome speech on October 26. Paper presentation of Parental Gender Stereotypes and Student Wellbeing in China on October 27. Conference program. Detailed report 1 and report 2.
- 10; 25: Guangzhou, Jinan University, China. Public Lecture on: Economic Preferences Across Generations.
- 10; 11-13: Budapest, Hungary. 45th EBES HYBRID conference. Conference program. Welcome speech of the EBES President on Oct. 11. Report.
- 10; 7-8: Beijing, China. 6th Renmin University of China – GLO Annual Conference on the “Chinese Labor Market”. Keynote: “Publishing in Research Journals at the Times of AI”. Conference program. Detailed report 1 and report 2.
- 10; 6: Beijing, Renmin University of China. 2023 Annual Meeting of the Chinese Labor Society. Keynote on “Migrant Local Identity and Labor Market Success”. Report.
- 10; 4: Beijing, Renmin University of China. Global Forum of Labor Economics and Management Disciplines. Speech. Report.
- 10; 4: Beijing, Renmin University of China. 40th Anniversary of the School of Labor and Human Resources of Renmin University of China. Speech. Report.
- 9; 24-27: Annual Conference Verein für Socialpolitik (German Economic Association), Regensburg/Germany. Conference participation. Report and impressions.
- 9; 21-23: EALE (European Association of Labour Economists) Conference Prague. Session chair & paper presentation on Parental Gender Stereotypes and Student Wellbeing in China. Report and impressions.
- 9; 14-16: SITES 2023 Annual Conference. Persistence and Change: the new challenges for economic development, Naples, Italy. Keynote speech on: Social Identity and Economic Assimilation. Report and impressions.
- 6; 20: China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) Global Lecture Series on Chinese Economy (GLSCE) on: Social Identity and Labor Market Outcomes of Internal Migrant Workers in China (based on joint work with Shu Cai of Jinan University).
- 6; 15-17: ESPE Annual Conference Belgrade, presentation of Social Identity and Labor Market Outcomes of Internal Migrant Workers in China (based on joint work with Shu Cai of Jinan University).
- 2; 18: Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada. Memorial Lecture on “Global Mobility after the Pandemic“
- 01; 12-14: University of Warsaw, Poland. 38th EBES HYBRID conference; Welcome speech; Chair of panel session on journal publishing.
- 1; 7-9: ASSA 2022 Virtual Annual Meeting.
- 12; 18: ISEAPA Africa Productivity Conference, 16-18 December. Jönköping University. Invited Lecture on “Ethnic Identity and Productivity”.
- 12; 12: Beijing; Fourth Renmin University – GLO Conference together with Journal of Population Economics on China Issues. More info.
- 12; 7: Istanbul Medeniyet University. Moderator of online panel “How to publish in international journals”. 4-5 pm Istanbul time.
- 12; 6: 4-6 pm CET, Maastricht time. Workshop Journal of Population Economics (JOPE). Presentation of Kuznets Prize 2022 & Highlights of JOPE Issue 4/2021 on Covid-19 economics. Conference details.
- 12; 2: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Mathilde Maurel. Video & Report.
- 11; 4: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Karin Mayr-Dorn. Video & Report.
- 10; 12: University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Seminar talk on “Globalization, Political Regimes and the Covid-19 Pandemic”.
- 10; 7: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Sriya Iyer. VIDEO & Report.
- 10; 6-8: Berlin, Germany. 37th EBES ONLINE conference; GLO Conference Contributions. Report Day 1. Opening Lecture: “The Future of Global Mobility”; Chair of the EBES Journals Session.
- 9; 30: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO-VirtYS 2021: Autumn Seminar Series for Program Graduates III. Info.
- 9; 29: Sobey School of Business, Saint Mary’s University, Canada. Public Lecture on “Global Mobility after the Pandemic”.
- 9; 16: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO-VirtYS 2021: Autumn Seminar Series for Program Graduates II. Info. Info.
- 9; 9: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO-VirtYS 2021: Autumn Seminar Series for Program Graduates I. Info.
- 9; 8: WIDER Development Conference 2021. Chair of the Panel Session on The Future of Work. Report.
- 9; 2: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Magnus Lodefalk. Report &Video
- 8; 24-27: 60th ERSA (European Regional Science Association) Congress online. Presentation on August 27 of “Walls and Fences: A Journey Through History and Economics” (with V. Vernon). Pre-publication version & published see info on book.
- 7; 8: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Olga Popova. Report & Video of the event.
- 7; 2-6: 6; 10: 2021 World Congress of the International Economic Association (IEA). The Covid-19 delayed 2020 IEA World Congress (“Bali”) now takes place virtually. Recording of the GLO-IEA Invited Sessions: Program, Report and Video of all presentations.
- 7; 1-3: Istanbul, Turkey. 36th EBES conference; Hybrid Mode. MORE INFO & PROGRAM. Report on first day. Report & VIDEO on GLO Handbook Session on second day. Opening speech; Moderator EBES Fellow session; Moderator Editor’s Panel Session.
- 6; 24-26: Guangzhou, Jinan University, China. Fourth IESR-GLO Joint Conference on “Social Assistance”. Co-organizer. Virtual event. MORE INFO. Intermediate Report.
- 6; 10: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. IEA-GLO Pre-conference workshop; recording of the GLO-IEA Invited Sessions for the 2021 World Congress of the International Economic Association (IEA) on 2-6 July 2021. Program, Report and Video of all presentations.
- 6; 7: Maastricht, UNU-MERIT, The Netherlands. POP@UNU-MERIT, GLO & Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Workshop on “Technological Change, Employment & Skills” representing a section on ‘Technological Changes and the Labor Market’ in the Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics Handbook supported by the GLO. MORE INFO.
- 6; 3: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Chiara Rapallini. Report & Video of the event.
- 5; 27: Journal of Population Economics Online Workshop. Issue 3/2021. Hosted by UNU-MERIT. Maastricht (CET 4-6 pm). Open to the public. Announcement. Video of the event.
- 5; 17: Academia Europaea (AE), Section Economics, Business & Management Sciences. Online Workshop on “Human Resources Challenges” (Migration, Covid-19). Hosted by Central European University, CEU School of Public Policy. Vienna 11 am – 15 pm. Open to AE, CEU, UNU-MERIT& GLO members and the public. Report with video migration & video Covid-19 sessions.
- 5; 11: Asian Development Bank (ADP) Workshop. Social Assistance in China.
- 5; 6: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Keith Bender. News – report of the event. Video of the Seminar.
- 4; 29: Berlin, Free University, Germany. Research Seminar in Economics. Presentation of Social Assimilation and Labor Market Outcomes of Migrants in China (joint paper with Shu Cai, Jinan University). Report.
- 4; 8: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Nicole Simpson. News – report of the event. Video of Seminar. Presentation slides.
- 4; 7-9: Rome, Italy. 35th EBES conference. Opening speech on April 7. News.
- 3; 5: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Marco Vivarelli. News – report of the event. Video of Seminar. Presentation slides.
- 3; 4: Karlsruhe, Germany. Verein für Socialpolitik/German Economic Association. Participation at the annual (online) meeting of the Section Econometrics.
- 2; 25-28: New York Sheraton, New York, NY. 47th Annual Conference of the Eastern Economic Association. Paper presentation.
- 2; 19: Nuernberg, Germany. Verein für Socialpolitik/German Economic Association. Annual (online) meeting of the Section Population Economics.
- 2; 5: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Pedro Martins. News – report of the event. Video of Seminar. Presentation slides.
- 1; 28: Journal of Population Economics Online Workshop. Issue 2/2021. Hosted by UNU-MERIT. Maastricht (CET 4-6 pm). Open to the public. Announcement. Video of the event. Report of the event.
- 1; 7: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Cynthia Bansak.
News – report of the event. Video of Seminar. Presentation slides. - 1; 6-8: Athens, Greece. 34th EBES conference; only VIRTUAL. Abstract Submission Deadline: December 10, 2020. Conference Call. And the GLO Post. GLO & EBES President opened the conference on January 6. REPORT. Conference program.
- 1; 3-5: ASSA 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting.
- 12; 19: Beijing, China. Third Renmin University – GLO Conference on “Chinese Labor Market Issues”. Program & Registration. Report and video of the event.
- 12; 3: 1, 7: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. John P. De New. Report and Video of the event.
- 11; 26: Lixin University Shanghai, Distinguished Lecture on“The Role of Identity in Economic Life”. Speech in the function of an Honorary Professor of Lixin University.
- 11; 23: Academia Europaea (AE), Section Economics, Business & Management Sciences. Internal Online Workshop on Covid-19. Hosted by Central European University, CEU School of Public Policy. Vienna 9 am – 5 pm. Chair of event; chair of a session.
- 11; 19: Journal of Population Economics Online Workshop. Kuznets Prize 2021 & Issue 1/2021. Hosted by UNU-MERIT. Maastricht (2-5 pm). Chair of event; chair of sessions, speeches, panel.
- 11; 13: EBES-GLO Joint Online Seminar. David Audretsch: The Threat Posed by the Covid-19 Pandemic to Democracy & Entrepreneurship. Berlin 3-4 pm & Istanbul 5-6 pm. EBES & GLO members. Report and Video of the event. Chair of the event.
- 11; 5: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Ira Gang. Report about the event. Video of the seminar.
- 10; 23: Amsterdam. Wageindicator Foundation. Virtual conference on the “GIG Economy Around the World”. Keynote speech. Conference website.
- 10; 21: Edinburgh. Royal Society of Edinburgh. Online Public Lecture on Migration: Challenges and Perspectives. Event website.
- 10; 7-9: Madrid, Spain. 33th EBES conference; only VIRTUAL. Final Program. GLO Conference Report. Welcome speech; presentation on chair of panel.
- 10; 1: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Alfonso Flores-Lagunes.
- 9; 3: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Kompal Sinha.
- 8; 6: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Sergei Guriev.
- 8; 5-7: Istanbul, Turkey. 32th EBES conference. Abstract Submission Deadline: July 3, 2020. Conference Call. And the GLO Post. GLO Post Program. GLO Report on the event.
- 7; 9: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Marie Claire Villeval.
- 7; 3-7: Bali, Indonesia. International Economic Association World Congress. Conference announcement. Canceled.
- 7; 1-3: Istanbul, Turkey. 32th EBES conference. Conference announcement. Canceled.
- 6; 12-14: Beijing, China. 2020 International Conference on Global Migration and Talent Mobility organized by CCG with Metropolis China and Metropolis Asia. Further info. Canceled.
- 6; 11: Canterbury, University of Kent, UK. GLO Virtual Seminar. Danny Blanchflower.
- 6; 5-7: Guangzhou, Jinan University, China. Third IESR-GLO Joint Conference on “The Economics of Covit-19”. Virtual event. MORE INFO.
- 2; 20-21: Geneva/Switzerland. Global Interdisciplinary Policy Research Conference on Youth Transitions organized by the Center for Finance and Development of the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies. Chair: GLO Policy Director Azita Berar Awad. MORE INFO.
- 1; 3-5: ASSA 2020; San Diego, USA. Annual Convention Allied Social Science Associations. Research and business meetings. Kuznets Prize 2020 of the Journal of Population Economics provided at a reception on Friday, Jan. 3, 2020, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM, Marriott Marquis San Diego, Coronado Room hosted by the Institute for Economic and Social Research (IESR) of Jinan University. Details on the prize.
- 12; 12: Beijing, China. Visiting the Center for China and Globalization (CCG) for collaboration talks. Report.
- 12; 11: Beijing, China. Peking University, China Center for Agricultural Policy: Seminar speech on “Global Labor Challenges & the B&R Initiative”. Report.
- 12; 10: Beijing, China. Beijing Normal University (BNU): Seminar speech on “Economic Preferences Across Generations”. Report.
- 12; 10: Beijing, China. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences: Seminar speech on “Arsenic in Drinking Water: Health Challenges and Responses”. Report.
- 12; 9-11: Beijing, China. Renmin University of China. Office and research talks with researchers; seminar on December 9 on “Publishing in Top Research Journals”. Report.
- 12; 7-8: Beijing, China. Renmin University of China. Second Renmin University – GLO conference. Details. Report Day 1. Report Day 2.
- 12; 5: Beijing, China. For the Future: International Conference on Vocational Education and Training Development. Klaus F. Zimmermann was the Luncheon Keynote Speaker. Report.
- 12; 3: Brussels, Book Launch of “Una segunda oportunidad para Europa” edited by Jo Ritzen. Venue: Maastricht University Campus Brussels. Chair of Panel. More details. The Report.
- 11, 11-13: Sydney/Australia: Inaugural Workshop on “Health, Inequality and Behavior”. The Department of Economics at Macquarie University in collaboration with the Macquarie University Centre for Health Economy (MUCHE) and GLO are organizing this international conference. Klaus F. Zimmermann is a keynote speaker (“Arsenic in Drinking Water: Health Challenges and Responses”). FULL FINAL PROGRAM. CONFERENCE WEBSITE.
- 11; 1-2: Ningbo, China. At the Globalisation and Economic Policy Centre (GEP), University of Nottingham Ningbo, China. 11th GEP China Conference: “Globalisation with Chinese Characteristics: The Belt and Road Initiative, International Trade and FDI”. Public Keynote Lecture (“Distinguished GEP China Lecture on “Global Labor Challenges and the B&R Initiative”) on November 2. Conference Report. Report on Ningbo visit.
- 10; 28-30: Shanghai, China. Visiting Lixin University; Public Lecture “Global Labor Economics” on October 29. Visit with Lexin University President Oct. 28. Report Public Lecture Oct. 29.
- 10; 23-24: Barcelona, Spain. Academia Europaea (AE) Annual Conference.
- 10; 10-12: Lisbon, Portugal. 29th EBES conference.
- 6; 20: Budapest, Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Research Seminar provided on Global Labor Economics. Report.
- 6; 12-14: Kigali, Rwanda. College of Business and Economics, University of Rwanda. 4th EABEW Conference (International Conference of Eastern Africa Business and Economic Watch) on “Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Socio-Economic Transformation” with GLO support. GLO Fellows Manfred Fischedick, Almas Heshmati and GLO President Klaus F. Zimmermann are among the invited speakers (Lecture: “The value of global labor mobility“). See for preliminary program.
- 6; 5: Budapest, Hungary. Central European University (CEU), The Future of Europe after the European Elections, Chair of the Panel with Martin Kahanec (Budapest), Elsa Fornero (Turin) and Jonathan Portes (London). Report.
- 6; 4: Bucharest, National Bank of Romania. Speech on “Labor Mobility after the European Elections”. Report.
- 5-6; 31 May-June 1: Brasov, Romania. Transilvania University of Brasov & GLO. International Conference „Inclusive and sustainable economic growth. Challenges, measures and solutions” (ISEG 2019) Call for papers. Klaus F. Zimmermann is among the invited speakers to provide a keynote about “Pushing for quality research: Publishing in good journals”.
- 5; 29-31: Coventry, UK. 28th EBES conference. With GLO sessions. Call for papers. Deadline was February 28. EBES President Klaus F. Zimmermann is opening the conference, and is part of two panel discussions on (i) the EU elections and (ii) publishing in research journals. Full conference program.
- 5; 20-21: Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study in Uppsala/Sweden. Annual Class Meeting of Social and Related Sciences (Class A2) of the Academia Europea (AE). Report.
- 5; 8: Budapest, Hungary. George Soros Public Lecture, Central European University (CEU), School of Public Policy. Report about the event.
- 4; 10: Hong Kong. Roundtable Consultation on Setting up a World Talent Organization Alliance. Organized by the Center for China & Globalization (CCG). Report about the event. Travel experiences.
- 4-6; Budapest, Hungary. Klaus F. Zimmermann is George Soros Visiting Chair, School of Public Policy, Central European University (CEU), April-June (Spring Term). Teaching Class Report.
- 3; 21-22: Guangzhou, China. Jinan University. IESR-GLO Workshop on “Belt and Road” Labor Markets. Organizers: Shuaizhang Feng and Klaus F. Zimmermann. A focus will be China, South Asia and South East Asia. Klaus F. Zimmermann is one of the invited speakers.
- 3; 17-24: Guangzhou, China. Jinan University. Klaus F. Zimmermann is Visiting Professor at IESR.
- 3; 15: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. University of Malaya (UM). Klaus F. Zimmermann provides a Public Seminar on “Publishing in Good Journals”.
- 3; 14: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. University of Malaya (UM). Joint GU- World Bank Research Seminar of Klaus F. Zimmermann on “Economic Preferences Across Generations“.
- 3, 13: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. University of Malaya (UM). Joint GLO-UM Public Seminar on “Introducing GLO – Pushing the Research Frontier on Labor and Human Resources Issues” of Klaus F. Zimmermann.
- 3; 12: Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia. Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS). Public University Silver Jubilee Lecture on “Global Labor Economics: Challenges and Benefits” and Public Seminar on “Publishing in Good Journals” of Klaus F. Zimmermann.
- 3; 10-17: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. University of Malaya (UM). Klaus F. Zimmermann is Visiting Professor at UM.
- 1; 30: Maastricht, The Netherlands. POP & UNU-MERIT. Research visit and Journal of Population Economics issues.
- 1; 27-28: Zürich, Switzerland. University of Zürich. Research visit and discussion of GLO developments.
- 1; 4-6: ASSA 2018; Atlanta, USA. Research and business meetings. Kuznets Prize 2019 of the Journal of Population Economics at the reception of IESR, Jinan University.
- 12; 19-21: Mumbai, India. 60th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Labour Economics (ISLE). Conference participation; paper presentation “Economic preferences across generations: Identifying family clusters from a large- scale experiment” on 19 December. Invited Valedictory Address to the congress on 21 December. Further: Details.
- 12; 13-15: Seoul, South Korea. Paper presentation at the Asian and Australasian Society of Labour Economics (AASLE) 2018 Conference.
- 12; 12: Seoul, South Korea. Research Seminar at Sogang University on “Arsenic Contamination of Drinking Water and Mental Health”.
- 12; 8-9: Xiamen University, Xiamen, China. Keynote Speech on “Economic Preferences Across Generations” at the 2018 International Symposium on Contemporary Labor Economics. Panel Discussion of Keynote Speakers: “Good Research, Good Topic, and Good Paper in Economics”.
- 12; 3-5: Kigali, Rwanda. African Economic Conference 2018, a collaborative annual event hosted by the African Development Bank, Economic Commission for Africa, and the United Nations Development Program on the topic: “Regional and Continental Integration for Africa’s Development”. Panel Speaker.
- 11; 29-30: Arbeitskreis Europäische Integration e.V. , Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik Berlin. Speech (in German) about “Wer emigriert warum und wie gelingt die Integration in den Arbeitsmarkt?“ (Who migrates why?). Annual Meeting, Darmstadt/Germany
- 11; 28-29: European Investment Bank (EIB), Luxembourg. Speaker in the high-level EIB-ECB (European Central Bank) conference on “Investment, Technological Transformation and Skills”.
- 11; 18-21: Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden. Keynote speech at workshop about journal publication. Paper discussion and research meetings.
- 11; 9-14: Baku, Azerbaijan. Visit of the Institute of Global Economic Problems, speeches and local contacts.
- 10-11; 31-2: Hong Kong/China. FOM-KAS-GLO Joint Research Conference. “Climate Change and Human Responses.” Speaker and Co-organizer.
- 10; 26: Beijing/China. Beijing Normal University, Department of Economics; Research Seminar on “Arsenic Contamination of Drinking Water and Mental Health”
- 10; 25: Beijing/China. School of Labor and Human Resources of Renmin University; Research Seminar on “Arsenic Contamination of Drinking Water and Mental Health”
- 10; 21: Capital University of Economics and Business, Beijing/China. Third Annual Conference of Labor Economics in China. Keynote speech on “Migration and Wellbeing”.
- 10; 20-21: Renmin University of China, Beijing/China. Conference on “The Chinese Labor Market”. Keynote speech on “Recent Labor Market Research on China”.
- 10; 12: Beijing/China. “EU-China Social Protection Reform Project.” 2018 Workshop. Event participation.
- 10; 8-31: Renmin University of China, Beijing/China. Visiting Professor.
- 07; 05-06: Raiffeisenlandesbank Oberösterreich, Linz/Austria. Panel contribution about the role of labor mobility for social cohesion. The 45th Economics Conference of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB) with the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKO).
- 07; 03-04: Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study in Uppsala/Sweden. Annual Class Meeting of Social and Related Sciences (Class A2) of the Academia Europea (AE). Report.
- 06; 26-28: UNU-MERIT, Maastricht/Netherlands. Annual internal research conference. Presentation of two research papers. Details. Report.
- 06; 18-20: Sintra, Portugal. Conference center Penha Longa Resort. ECB Forum on Central Banking on “Price and Wage – Setting in Advanced Economies” organized by the European Central Bank. Panel speech. More details. Background paper for panel speech: GLO DP 230.
- 05; 29: UNU-MERIT & Maastricht University. Public PhD defense. Committee member. Announcement. Reporting.
- 05; 23-25: FOM University, Berlin/Germany. 25th Conference of the Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES). Further information can be found here: Conference call; EBES Fellow Award; GLO Activities; Highlights EBES; GLO Highlights Report with various pictures.
- 05; 16: Cologne, Germany. FOM University Cologne Study Center. Appointment ceremony of GLO Fellow Alexander Spermann to FOM Professor. Participation. Report in German. Report in English.
- 04; 18: UNU-MERIT, Maastricht. Migration Seminar about “The Economics of Walls and Fences”. Seminar speech. Report.
- 3; 11-20: Guangzhou/China; Jinan University; Research and contact visit. Career seminar. GLO-IESR workshop participation and paper presentation. Public Policy Lecture on European Migration. Debate with Editor of “Social Science in China”. Debate with Dean & GLO Fellow Shuaizhang Feng on unemployment.
- 03; 28: UNU-MERIT, Maastricht. Report. Research visit.
- 03; 1-2: St Petersburg/Russia. Paper presentation at the Second International Labour Forum of the Government of St Petersburg. Paper presentation.
- 02; 27: Vienna, Austria. Panel event DIE WEIS[S]E WIRTSCHAFT about the migration and integration policy of the new Austrian government. Panel participation. Announcement. Detailed report and analysis of the policy in English. Report and Video of the event.
- 02; 26: Vienna, Austria. Conference of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber on the “The European Labor Market – between Unemployment and Shortages of Skilled Labor”. Speech on “Challenges and Chances of the Free European Mobility of Workers” and participated on a Plenary Panel about the labor markets of Austria, Poland and Romania. Outline and report in English. Background interview with the “Salzburger Nachrichten”.
- 02; 21-22: Glasgow/Scotland. University of Strathclyde. Contacts and Research Seminar presentation.
- 02; 14-17: Nicosia and University of Cyprus. Evaluation Committee and Research visit. Report.
- 02; 9: Washington, DC; USA. Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). Workshop on Latin America. Participation. Report.
- 02; 8: Washington, DC; USA. Kuznets Prize 2018 Dinner of the Journal of Population Economics. Report.
- 01; 5-7: Allied Social Sciences Associations (ASSA), in Philadelphia, USA. Report.