Social Protection Reforms: Where to go in China and the EU?

Demographic change is a huge challenge for many countries around the globe and calls for social protection initiatives in particular in China and the European Union (EU). Klaus F. Zimmermann, President of the Global Labor Organization (GLO), and currently Visiting Professor at Renmin University of China, participated on October 12 in a workshop of the “EU-China Social Protection Reform Project” in Beijing. Measures in the EU and China have to be taken now to be effective in time, but the way to go is still subject of debate. International exchange helps for a better understanding of the issue.

Zimmermann used this occasion to join forces again with Michele Bruni, EU Resident Expert and Team Leader, EU-China SPRP. Bruni is also a GLO Fellow, a renowned migration expert and an old friend. Both discussed in separate talks joint initiatives to promote solutions for the world-wide migration challenges to come over the next decades.

Professor Michele Bruni (right) and Zimmermann.


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