GLO Berlin 2024 Conference – Call for Papers
Call for contributed papers or sessions for the GLO Berlin 2024 Conference on April 18-20. Contributions are invited to broadly defined labor, population, family, health, crime, conflict and other human resources issues.
The event is jointly organized with EBES 47 at FOM University of Applied Sciences, Berlin. GLO organizes a separate program with separate registration and paper call. Participants of EBES 47 Berlin and GLO Berlin 2024 will have access to all program parts of both conferences.
The event is HYBRID: Presentations on the first two days will be in-person only, and on the last day only online. Online attendees can follow all the program parts of the conference on all three days.

“I invite you to visit lovely Berlin for a productive research conference! The city is a vibrant place offering many surprising features. For instance, it is known for its extensive waterways, including rivers, canals, and lakes.“
Submissions can be (i) individual contributions with abstract only or full papers with abstract, or (ii) full sessions with six contributions consisting of six abstracts and possibly papers. Providing full papers increases the chance of acceptance.
Individual contributions submitter have to decide whether they want to be considered for (i) a regular contributed session or (ii) a Journal of Population Economics Express Evaluation Session (JOPE-EES).
JOPE-EES: Submissions for this category require a full paper and abstract. Those rejected for this session will still be considered for regular contributed sessions. If accepted for JOPE-EES, authors have to register for the conference either for the in-person or online version of the conference; they also have to submit their paper to JOPE while registering to the conference after the acceptance decision. These submissions will pass the desk rejection phase of the journal and receive an express evaluation within six weeks after the conference. Topics related to JOPE’s collections are particularly welcome, see

Program Committee: Sergio Scicchitano (John Cabot University, Rome, Italy; Chair )
Guido Cozzi (University of St. Gallen, Switzerland); Shuaizhang Feng (Jinan University, Guangzhou, China) Alfonso Flores-Lagunes (Syracuse University, USA); Andrea Fracasso (Trento University, Italy); Oded Galor (Brown University, USA); Hilary Ingham (Lancaster University, UK); Jungmin Lee (Seoul National University, South-Korea); Ilaria Mariotti (Polytechnic of Milan); Terra McKinnish (University of Colorado); Valentina Meliciani (Luiss University); Silvia Mendolia (Turin University, Italy); Milena Nikolova (University of Groningen, The Netherlands); Matloob Piracha (University of Kent, UK); Vicente Royuela (University of Barcelona, Spain); Kompal Sinha (Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia); Cristina Tealdi (Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK); Chiara Mussida (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore– Piacenza, Italy); Klaus F. Zimmermann (GLO, UNU-MERIT & FU Berlin, The Netherlands, Germany)
The Program (joint with EBES) will include an evening event, speeches and contributions by Mehmet Huseyin Bilgin (Vice President, EBES & Istanbul Medeniyet University), Alessio Brown (UNU-MERIT, Maastricht), Martin Kahanec (Central European University), Christos Kollias (University of Thessaly), Alexander Kritikos (DIW Berlin & Potsdam University), Lucie Merkle (Berlin, Free State of Bavaria), Dorothea Schäfer (DIW Berlin and Jönköping University), Sergio Scicchitano (John Cabot University, Rome, Chair GLO Program), Klaus F. Zimmermann (Free University Berlin, UNU-MERIT & GLO/EBES), Manuela Zipperling, (FOM University of Applied Sciences, Berlin)
Keynote speech: Martin Kahanec Rebuilding Ukraine in Higher Education
Submission open since January 24, 2024 – no submission fee
Deadline: February 29, 2024.
Open until midnight on US east coast time = midnight CET Berlin + 6 hours.
Decisions will be communicated until March 6, 2024.
Conference registration until March 22, 2024.
BREAKING NEWS: Submissions still open until March 6 while we communicate first-round decisions.
Participation fees: To be paid upon conference registration.
Regular: in-person € 500, online € 350
JOPE-EES: in-person € 600, online € 450
Fees for in-person participants include coffee breaks and lunch during the conference as well as the conference reception on April 18, 2024.
Fees for all participants include access to all keynotes and invited paper sessions of EBES 47 & GLO Berlin 2024. JOPE-EES authors will receive the express journal service.
Accommodation (not included): Suggestions will be provided with paper acceptance decision.
Conference venue: FOM University of Applied Sciences Berlin, Bismarckstraße 107, 10625 Berlin
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