Klaus F. Zimmermann: Season’s Greetings! 

Enjoy happy, relaxing & healthy holidays!

**> Beyond the bitter experiences with the war in the Ukraine.
**> Remember the many successes achieved.
**> Thanks for all the ongoing support!

**> Best wishes for the New Year!
**> Stay in touch in 2023!

Some personal highlights of the year:

Summer Break


  • Received one of the IEA Fellow awards for 2022 of the International Economic Association.
  • The Journal of Population Economics (JOPE) received CiteScore 6.5 (2021LINK) & Impact Factor 4.7 (2021LINK).

Selected conferences:

Scientific publications:

  • Vu M. Ngo, Klaus F. Zimmermann, Phuc V. Nguyen, Toan Luu Duc Huynh and Huan H. Nguyen (2022). “How education and GDP drive the COVID-19 vaccination campaign”, OPEN ACCESSArchives of Public Health 80 (171) 2022. DOI 10.1186/s13690-022-00924-0. 
  • Klaus F. Zimmermann (2022). “Zeitenwende und die Schatten der Geschichte. Implikationen für wissenschaftliche Kooperationen in der ‚herausgeforderten‘ Globalisierung.” Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung 91 (4), 57-66. Pre-publication version. Published journal website.
  • Matloob Piracha, Massimiliano Tani, Klaus F. Zimmermann and Yu Zhang (2022). “Higher Education Expansion and the Rise of China in Economics Research”. China Economic Review 74 (2022) 101813. Published FREE OPEN ACCESS. Free PDF
  • Vu M. Ngo, Klaus F. Zimmermann, Phuc V. Nguyen, Toan Luu Duc Huynh and Huan H. Nguyen (2022). “Understanding the setup and speed of global COVID-19 vaccination campaigns”. VoxEU on 25 January 2022.
  • Shyamal Chowdhury, Matthias Sutter & Klaus F. Zimmermann (2022), “Economic Preferences across Generations and Family Clusters: A Large-scale Experiment in a Developing Country”. Journal of Political Economy, September 2022 (vol. 130, no. 9, pp. 2361-2410). https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/10.1086/720395
    Final and free (open access) published JPE Version.  (With main text, online Appendix, and data access.) 
  • Monica Roman, Klaus F. Zimmermann and Aurelian-Petruș Plopeanu (2022), “Religiosity, Smoking and Other Risky Behaviors”. Journal of Economics, Management and Religion. Vol. 3, No. 1 (2022) 2250001
    OPEN ACCESS FREE PDF https://doi.org/10.1142/S2737436X22500017 Journal  Online

Selected media appearances:

  • Scholz visit to strengthen mutual trust. Opinion Piece in “China Daily” of November 4, 2022. MORE Info.
  • July: Zirkuläre Migration und Integration. Ökonomische Potenziale temporärer Wanderung. Arbeitsmarkt- und Integrationsmagazin „clavis“, Sommer 2022, S. 22-23. MORE info.
  • June 22: Wissenschaftliche Politikberatung als Herausforderung. Diskussionsbeitrag von Klaus F. Zimmermann in Wirtschaftliche Freiheit. Das ordnungspolitische Journal vom 22. Juni 2022. Paper on Blog: LINK. Prepublication text here. Further literature: LINK.
  • June Spring Issue: Is the European Union on course to become the big loser in the global tech race? A symposium of views in the new issue of ‘The International Economy’, The magazine of international economic policy with a contribution of Klaus F. Zimmermann on pp. 47-48. LINK
  • March 2: Interview of Klaus F. Zimmermann; in: “Grenzen der Wissenschaft”, Part 1 (“Von Atomkraft bis Contergan”) on the 2008 financial market crisis and the limits of forecasting (in German). Video of Part 1 (available until March 1, 2027). ZDFinfo.


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GLO President Klaus F. Zimmermann receives one of this year´s IEA Fellow Awards of the International Economic Association.

The International Economic Association (IEA) instituted the annual IEA Fellow honorific award to recognize excellence in economic research, research-driven popular writing, and economic policymaking. On December 1, 2022 GLO President Klaus F. Zimmermann has been informed that he was chosen for the IEA Fellow award for 2022. “This is a recognition of outstanding work and is awarded to at most 10 individuals in the world.”


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Wissenschaftliche Kooperationen in der ‚herausgeforderten‘ Globalisierung. Artikel publiziert in “Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung” von Klaus F. Zimmermann.

Klaus F. Zimmermann (2022). “Zeitenwende und die Schatten der Geschichte. Implikationen für wissenschaftliche Kooperationen in der ‚herausgeforderten‘ Globalisierung.” 

Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung 91 (4), 57-66, des DIW Berlin. 

Cover Epochenbruch – Politikanpassungen und systemische Risiken (VJH 4/2022)

Abstract: For years, the promotion of international scientific cooperation was considered the silver bullet of research policy. The Russian war of aggression and the resulting global polarization has undoubtedly increased the need to keep a closer eye on conflicts of interest and violations of ethical principles. Scientific diplomacy remains important and is needed. The central challenges of the world are of a global nature, they can therefore only be successfully tackled through international cooperation. Economic mechanisms (e. g. the advantages of the division of labor) favor globalization, and its power cannot be ignored in the long run. Science is also a public good, so it has to be organized internationally. In the future, however, there will be even more scientific cooperation between the states of the “New West”. The instruments of scientific cooperation remain unchanged. However, they will inevitably have a stronger regional focus and be more deeply politically anchored. The forthcoming more intense political regulations may cause conflicts of interest with the principle of independence of science. Although policymakers will have more guidelines for their scientific advisors, their international cooperation will continue to make a significant contribution to the quality of scientific advice.


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Impressions from UNU-MERIT & Maastricht: Preparing contributions to the GLO Global Conference 2022

Discussing research, conferences, Journal of Population Economics issues and collaborations with various colleagues (including Jo Ritzen) and visiting GLO fellows at UNU-MERIT in Maastricht during November 23 and 24.

Among other issues, preparing the UNU-MERIT online contributions (see below) to the GLO Global Conference 2022 (December 1-3, 2022).

Day 1: Thursday December 1, 20228:30 – 09:00 CET Berlin

8.30 Global Welcome – online
Join Zoom Meeting ROOM I

Neil Foster-McGregor, Deputy Director UNU-MERIT; Pauline Osse, Wageindicator Foundation; Harald Beschorner, FOM Chancellor; Mehmet Huseyin Bilgin, EBES; Shuaizhang Feng, Dean IESR; Klaus F. Zimmermann, UNU-MERIT & GLO.


Day 2: Friday December 2, 202210.00 – 12.00 CET Berlin

Online Research Paper Session: Trust & Inequality, UNU-MERIT, Maastricht
Organizer & Chair: Michaella Vanore, UNU-MERIT & Maastricht University

Join Zoom Meeting ROOM V

  • Globalization and Trust in Government
    Jo Ritzen (UNU-MERIT)
  • Do pandemics Lead to Rebellion? Policy Responses to COVID-19, Inequality and Protests in the USA
    Bruno Martorano (UNU-MERIT)
  • Turning COVID-19 Vaccines into Vaccinations in Sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from Panel Survey Data
    Yannick Markof (UNU-MERIT)
  • Unequal Outcomes of Women’s Empowerment in Colombia: A Multidimensional Approach
    Zina Nimeh (UNU-MERIT)
  • Breaking Down Menstrual Health Barriers in Bangladesh
    Lonneke Nillesen (UNU-MERIT)


Day 3: Saturday December 3, 202211.00 – 13.00 CET Berlin

Research Paper Session. POP at UNU-MERIT, Maastricht.
Organizer & Chair: Alessio Brown, UNU-MERIT & GLO
Join Zoom Meeting ROOM I

  • The Future Economics of Artificial Intelligence: Mythical Agents, a Singleton and the Dark ForestWim Naudé (RWTH Aachen University, Germany;  University of Johannesburg, South Africa; POP UNU-MERIT and GLO)
  • Is self-employment for migrants? Evidence from Italy, Marianna Brunetti (University of Rome Tor Vergata, CEIS and CEFIN) and Anzelika Zaiceva (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, GLO, POP UNU-MERIT and IZA)
  • Making Subsidies Work: Rules vs. Discretion, Paolo Pinotti (Bocconi University), Filippo Palomba (Princeton) and Federico Cingano (Banca d’Italia), Enrico Rettore (University of Padova, FBK-IRVAPP, IZA POP UNU-MERIT, and GLO)
  • Gender-Specific Application Behavior, Matching, and the Residual Gender Earnings Gap, Benjamin Lochner (Institute for Employment Research (IAB) and University Erlangen-Nürnberg), Christian Merkl (Institute for Employment Research (IAB), University Erlangen-Nürnberg and GLO)
  • Labor Market Regulations and Female Labor Force Participation: New Cross-Country Evidence, Nauro F. Campos (University College London, IZA, POP UNU-MERIT and GLO), Jeffrey B. Nugent, University of Southern (California and IZA), Zheng Zhang (University of Southern California).
  • Measuring labour and skills shortages using online job posting data in Canada, Kashyap Arora (Labour Market Information Council – Conseil de l’Information sur le Marché du Travail, LMIC/CIMT), Anne-Lore Fraikin (Labour Market Information Council – Conseil de l’Information sur le Marché du Travail, LMIC/CIMT, POP UNU-MERIT and GLO), Sukriti Trehan (Labour Market Information Council – Conseil de l’Information sur le Marché du Travail, LMIC/CIMT).


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Scholz visit to strengthen mutual trust. Opinion Piece in “China Daily” of November 4, 2022.

The pros and cons of the one-day trip of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz are heavily debated at home and globally. Is this a good move after the “Zeitenwende” caused by the Russian aggression in the Ukraine? In an opinion piece for the China Daily I argue today that the visit is important at this time to explore the potentials for the world and strengthen mutual trust.

China Daily, Hong Kong Edition, November 4, 2022, p. 10.


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EBES 41 in Berlin has started co-organized with FOM & GLO

41st EBES Conference – Berlin takes place on October 12th, 13th, 14th, 2022 in Berlin, Germany. The event is jointly organized in Hybrid Mode (in-person on October 12 only) with the Global Labor Organization (GLO) and in collaboration with the FOM University of Applied Sciences.

FOM, GLO & EBES are collaborating organizations; GLO President Klaus F. Zimmermann is also President of EBES. GLO provides a number of invited sessions to the program as announced below.

For the full program see EBES 41 Conference Program

Note: Berlin-German time

Z-Room 1: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87987186006
Z-Room 6: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83416987919











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UNU-MERIT Internal Conference (September 29-30, 2022) in Maastricht

Participating at the 2022 UNU-MERIT Internal Conference (September 29-30) in Maastricht.

Klaus F. Zimmermann presenting joint work at the conference with Shu Cai on Social Assimilation and Labor Market Outcomes of Internal Migrant Workers

Panel with Lili Wang, Nanditha Mathew, Luc Soete & Diego Salama on Comprehensive Innovation for Sustainable Development


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EALE Padova 2022, September 8-11.

Meeting with Kuznets Prize Winner Sergio Scicchitano of the Journal of Population Economics
Conference Presentation of
Social Assimilation and Labor Market Outcomes of Internal Migrant Workers
(joint work with Shu Cai, Jinan University)
Speech by EALE President Michèle Belot, Cornell University
KEYNOTE by Andrea Weber, CEU


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EEA-ESEM Milan 2022

EEA-ESEM Milan 2022: LINK


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Circular Migration & Integration: Zirkuläre Migration und Integration. Ökonomische Potenziale temporärer Wanderung.

Migration is largely circular. What are the consequences?

Wanderungsbewegungen sind zu einem erheblichen Teil zirkulär. Dies limitiert Integrationsbemühungen, ermöglicht aber mehr Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten für Migration. Das wird im folgenden Beitrag näher erläutert.

Zirkuläre Migration und Integration. Ökonomische Potenziale temporärer Wanderung. Arbeitsmarkt- und Integrationsmagazin „clavis“, Sommer 2022, S. 22-23.

Der Artikel ist Teil des Hefts:
clavis 2/2022. Integration: Vom Willkommen zum Bleibenwollen.

Weiterführende Literatur s. unten/further literature see below: References


Klaus F. Zimmermann: Circular Migration, in: K. F. Zimmermann and A. Kritikos (Eds.), Evidence-based Policy Making in Labor Economics. The IZA World of Labor Guide 2015, Bloomsbury Publishing, London, 2015, 86-87.

Klaus F. Zimmermann: Circular Migration, IZA World of Labor. 2014. PDF.

Amelie Constant, Olga Nottmeyer & Klaus F. Zimmermann: The Economics of Circular Migration, in: K. F. Zimmermann and A. Constant (Eds.), International Handbook on the Economics of Migration, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., Cheltenham 2013, pp. 55-74.

Amelie Constant & Klaus F. Zimmermann: The Dynamics of Repeat Migration: A Markov Chain Analysis, International Migration Review, 46 (2012), pp. 361-387.

Amelie Constant & Klaus F. Zimmermann: Circular and Repeat Migration: Counts of Exits and Years Away from the Host Country, Population Research and Policy Review, 30 (2011), pp. 495-515.


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