Category Archives: Research

Circular Migration & Integration: Zirkuläre Migration und Integration. Ökonomische Potenziale temporärer Wanderung.

Migration is largely circular. What are the consequences? Wanderungsbewegungen sind zu einem erheblichen Teil zirkulär. Dies limitiert Integrationsbemühungen, ermöglicht aber mehr Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten für Migration. Das wird im folgenden Beitrag näher erläutert. Zirkuläre Migration und Integration. Ökonomische Potenziale temporärer Wanderung. Arbeitsmarkt- … Continue reading

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Covid-19 vaccination paper now published OPEN ACCESS in the Archives of Public Health.

Published today, 18 July 2022. Vu M. Ngo, Klaus F. Zimmermann, Phuc V. Nguyen, Toan Luu Duc Huynh and Huan H. Nguyen (2022). “How education and GDP drive the COVID-19 vaccination campaign”, UNU-MERIT Working Paper #2021-046. CEPR Discussion Paper No. … Continue reading

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Covid-19 vaccination paper now accepted for publication in the Archives of Public Health.

Vu M. Ngo, Klaus F. Zimmermann, Phuc V. Nguyen, Toan Luu Duc Huynh and Huan H. Nguyen (2021). “How education and GDP drive the COVID-19 vaccination campaign”, UNU-MERIT Working Paper #2021-046. CEPR Discussion Paper No. 16757; GLO Discussion Paper No. 986. Forthcoming 2022 … Continue reading

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Research on Economic Preferences: Klaus F. Zimmermann will present in the UNU-MERIT Research Symposium, May Event Series, on Monday 16 May, 2022.

Professor Klaus F. Zimmermann (UNU-MERIT, Maastricht University and GLO) will participate in the events around the “UNU-MERIT: 15 Year Celebration” next week. He contributes to the May Event Series: Research Seminars on May 16, 2022 by reporting about his work … Continue reading

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Agenda: Confidential and legal access to abortion and contraception in the United States. New research from the Journal of Population Economics by Caitlin Knowles Myers

GLO Discussion Paper No. 1073, 2022; in print:  Journal of Population Economics Confidential and legal access to abortion and contraception in the United States, 1960-2020 – Download PDFby Myers, Caitlin Knowles See also the GLO Post. GLO Fellow Caitlin Myers Ends;

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Economic preferences across generations in a development country setting. New research accepted for publication in the Journal of Political Economy.

Using data from large-scale experiments with entire families for Bangladesh, the research finds that both mothers’ and fathers’ risk, time and social preferences are significantly positively correlated with their children’s economic preferences. Results differ from evidence for rich countries. Shyamal … Continue reading

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Smoking, drinking, drugs: Less risky behaviors with stronger external religiosity. Research paper published accessible.

Using data for young Romanians a research paper finds that it is external religiosity that interacts with weaker addictive behaviors like smoking, drinking and using drugs. The study is now forthcoming OPEN ACCESS in the Journal of Economics, Management and … Continue reading

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Understanding the setup and speed of global COVID-19 vaccination campaigns

“CAMPAGNE VACCINALE. Bons et mauvais élèves de la vaccination dans le monde: radioscopie des facteurs clés.” Interview with the French Media Platform “Atlantico” on global drivers of vaccination success. Here is the interview in French. (English draft below.) It relates … Continue reading

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Klaus F. Zimmermann is ranked #264 among the 1,000 Top Scientists in Economics & Finance of the World for 2022, a leading academic platform for researchers, has just released the 2022 Edition of their Ranking of the Top 1,000 Scientists in the field of Economics and Finance. GLO President Prof. Dr. Klaus F. Zimmermann, UNU-MERIT & Maastricht University, is … Continue reading

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Social assimilation and immigrants’ labour market outcomes.

The new paper published in the Journal of Population Economics finds that assimilation in Australia is strongly associated with employment and wages as well as a number of job satisfaction measures. Matloob Piracha, Massimiliano Tani, Zhiming Cheng & Ben Zhe … Continue reading

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