Category Archives: Economics

Jobs and activities of Klaus F. Zimmermann

News 12.2016: Jobs and activities of Klaus F. Zimmermann Member of the Jury of the Joachim Herz Prize in Economics 2016 of the Joachim Herz Foundation Member of the Board of Recommendation of the University of Utrecht Study Association ECU’92 … Continue reading

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Klaus F. Zimmermann spoke at Harvard University

Klaus F. Zimmermann, on leave from Bonn University, has arrived at the Center for European Studies, Harvard University, where he will stay to execute his research until August 2016. On March 22, 2016, he presented his views in a well-attended … Continue reading

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Zimmermann in Harvard on the European Refugee Crisis

On March 22, 2016, 2:15 pm, Klaus F. Zimmermann speaks at the Center for European Studies at Harvard on:                                                                                                                                                                                                                       The European Refugee Crisis: Policy Challenges and Perspectives                                                                                                                                                                                                                The European refugee crisis is challenging policy makers because it affects … Continue reading

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Klaus F. Zimmermann spoke on European Migration Challenges

News 10. 2016: Klaus F. Zimmermann on “European Migration Challenges” On three occasions, Zimmermann spoke about research findings of migration economics and their implications for the economy and society at large. He thinks that Europe needs more temporary and permanent … Continue reading

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Spannung und Wettbewerb in der Fußballbundesliga

Der FC Bayern München ist ein Fußballverein mit einem der besten Teams der Welt. In der laufenden Bundesligasaison siegen sie sich wieder von Spiel zu Spiel, erreichten mit 46 Punkten souverän die Herbstmeisterschaft, sieben Punkte Vorsprung auf den Hauptrivalen der … Continue reading

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The right mix of migrants to meet Germany’s needs

“In past decades, Germany has made great strides with the integration of foreigners. Those achievements must be defended prudently and balanced with the country’s demographic challenges. Indiscriminately admitting all refugees from war, including often illiterate and unskilled youths, is bound … Continue reading

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The risk of Brexit: an opportunity for the EU?

Jo Ritzen and Klaus F. Zimmermann Jo Ritzen is chair of the Vibrant Europe Forum and a former president of Maastricht University. Klaus F Zimmermann is a member of the Vibrant Europe Forum, a professor at Bonn University (on leave) … Continue reading

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Herausforderungen der wissenschaftlichen Politikberatung

Veranstaltung: Herausforderungen der wissenschaftlichen Politikberatung 22. Februar 2016; Universitätsclub Bonn, Konviktstr.9, Bonn 17:30 Einlass 18:00 Begrüßung Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Dudenhöffer (Direktor, CAR-Center Automotive Research, Universität Duisburg-Essen) Podiumsdiskussion: „Herausforderungen der wissenschaftlichen Politikberatung“ Moderation: Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Dudenhöffer (Direktor, CAR-Center Automotive Research, … Continue reading

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2015 eines der erfolgreichsten Jahre für das IZA

Das Jahr 2015 zählt zu den erfolgreichsten in der Geschichte des IZA. In Forschung, Politikberatung, Medienpräsenz, weltweitem wissenschaftlichen Austausch und Technologieentwicklung konnten wir als lokales Institut und global tätiges Forschungsnetzwerk große Fortschritte erzielen. Das IZA verfügt über das weltweit größte … Continue reading

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Successful year for IZA in research and policy advice

In 2015, IZA has achieved substantial progress in research, policy advice, media presence, scientific communication, and technology. In fact, the past year can be considered one of the most successful years of the institute. IZA’s work is well respected and … Continue reading

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