Category Archives: Economics

Economic Policy in a Dynamic Environment

On May 27-28, 2016, the Joint Annual Meeting of the Slovak Economic Association and the Austrian Economic Association (NOeG-SEA 2016) in cooperation with the University of Economics Bratislava took place. The theme of the conference was “Economic Policy in a … Continue reading

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Evaluating EU Policies by Micro-econometric Methods

19 May 2016; Brussels, Berlaymont. The EU Commission launches an important step to strengthen the instruments to judge and improve EU policies. The successful “Centre for Research on Impact Evaluation” (CRIE) will become the “Competence Centre on Microeconomic Evaluation” (CC-ME). … Continue reading

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The Fate of Empirical Economics When All Data Are Private

Society of Government Economists Annual Conference 2016 Washington, DC. May 13, 2016. Organized by the US “Society of Government Economists” (SGE), the annual conference took place at the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) in Washington DC. Program The very … Continue reading

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Transition Economics: Left behind but doing good?

In a new research paper, the authors document that migration can affect the values and norms of those left behind at home. This is shown for two post-socialist countries (Bulgaria & Romania): Left Behind but Doing Good? Civic Engagement in … Continue reading

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Zimmermann speaks in Washington DC

Emerging Diaspora Opportunities and Challenges Washington, DC. May 10, 2016. Organized by KNOMAD (Global Knowledge Partnership on Migration and Development) & the World Bank, a workshop on “Emerging Diaspora Opportunities and Challenges: Host and Home Countries” takes place: Concept note … Continue reading

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Arbeit und Digitalisierung

“Werden wir Zeugen einer digitalen Revolution, die unsere Arbeitswelt schon bald auf den Kopf stellt? Wir können nicht mit Sicherheit sagen, wie unsere Arbeitswelt von morgen aussehen wird, aber der Wandel ist da. Heute produziert das größte Medienunternehmen der Welt … Continue reading

Posted in Arbeit, Economics, Uncategorized, Wirtschaft | Leave a comment

A round trip: Harvard, Columbia, Yale, Harvard

The 16th week of 2016 was full of remarkable exchanges. April 19, 2016: Chair of the Seminar of Miriam Meckel, Editor-in-Chief of the “Wirtschaftswoche”, at the Center for European Studies, Harvard University. See also. April 19, 2016: Spoke at dinner … Continue reading

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Skin Tone, Gender, Ethnicity, and Diaspora

Middlebury College: On April 16, 2016,  a Symposium on “The Economics of Skin Tone, Gender, Ethnicity, and Diaspora“ took place under the direction of Professor Phanindra V. Wunnava of Middlebury College. Everybody enjoyed the high quality presentations and the discussions. … Continue reading

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Former EU Commissioners Almunia & Andor on EU Governance Issues

On April 11 – 12 2016, the Enlighten H2020 AGORA Forum organized four panels on EU governance issues at Boston University and Harvard University under the theme “Efficiency & Legitimacy of Crisis-born European Modes of Governance”. Klaus F. Zimmermann (Harvard … Continue reading

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Prime Minister of Italy, Matteo Renzi, speaks at CES of Harvard University

Hosted by the Center of European Studies (CES) of Harvard University, Italians Prime Minister Matteo Renzi provides a keynote lecture. The event is chaired by  Peter A. Hall Krupp Foundation Professor of European Studies, Harvard University, and takes place on … Continue reading

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