
 I follow the global political and economic debate and contribute to it.

BLOGS: World Bank Jobs & Development Blog,  VOX CEPR’s Policy Portal, Linkedin, Huffington Post Englisch | German , China Daily, Twitter: @kfzimmermann


(Articles, Panels, Public Speeches and Interviews, selective) with Klaus F. Zimmermann

Opinion pieces in, among others: New York Times, International Herald Tribune, Financial Times, Wall Street Journal, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Le Figaro (France), Gazeta Wyborcza (Poland), The Globe and Mail (Canada), El Universal (Mexico), China Daily, Financial Express (India), Singapore Business Times, Australian Financial Review, Gulf News (Dubai), The Straits Times (Singapore), Philippine Daily Inquirer, Providence Journal, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Economic Times of India, Valor Economico (Brazil), Business Day (South Africa), Jakarta Post, Korea Times, New Straits Times (Malaysia), Finance (Slovenia), Radikal (Turkey), Nezavisimaya Gazeta (“Independent Newspaper”, Russia), Blog Jobs Knowledge Platform of the Worldbank, Portafolio (Colombia), El Colombiano (Colombia), La Nacion (Chile), International Economy, Focus, Cicero, Wirtschaftswoche, Zeit, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Handelsblatt, Rheinischer Merkur, Berliner Zeitung, Welt, Financial Times Deutschland, Frankfurter Rundschau, Welt am Sonntag, Tagesspiegel, Bild am Sonntag, Handelsblatt Online, Saarbrücker Zeitung, Darmstädter Echo, Rheinzeitung, Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger, Bayernkurier, Bayrische Staatszeitung, Main-Post, Hamburger Abendblatt.


  • February 27. Loyalty to US vs pursuit of strategic autonomy: Where will Europe head? Published in Global Times, February 27, 2025, p.6. LINK. PDF of article. Statement of Klaus F. Zimmermann. See also LINK on website.
  • February 26. IZA in Bonn is closing down by December 31, 2025! Some remarks. Statement of Klaus F. Zimmermann cited by Kai Pfundt, “Aus für Bonner Forschungsinstitut. Post Stiftung will sich neu aufstellen und das Institut zur Zukunft der Arbeit abwickeln. Neuer Fokus auf Umweltprojekte”, General-Anzeiger. Unabhängige Tageszeitung, Ausgabe Mittwoch, 26. Februar 2025, S. 7.
  • February 25. Germany Decides, Europe Reacts. How the German elections affect EU governance. Online Panel Discussion on February 27, 2025. LINK
  • January 29. Migrationspolitik aus der Sackgasse führen. Opinion Piece in Wirtschaftliche Freiheit. Das ordnungspolitische Journal published on 29 January 2025. LINK
    Also: (i) Migrationspolitik aus der Sackgasse führen. Global Insights – eine Meinung. LINK. February 24, 2025. (ii) Leading migration policy out of the dead end. Global insights – an opinion. February 24, 2025. LINK


  • December 30. Will there be another global trade war in 2025? Published in China Daily, December 30, 2024, P. 9, in the section “China and the World Roundtable | 2025 Outlook. The five critical questions for 2025”. Published online & print PDF version.
    Prepublication PDF (Another global trade war in 2025? Longer & more complete version. See also online.)



  • November 4. Scholz visit to strengthen mutual trust. Opinion Piece in “China Daily”, p. 10. MORE Info.
  • July: Zirkuläre Migration und Integration. Ökonomische Potenziale temporärer Wanderung. Arbeitsmarkt- und Integrationsmagazin „clavis“, Sommer 2022, S. 22-23. MORE info.
  • June 22: Wissenschaftliche Politikberatung als Herausforderung. Diskussionsbeitrag von Klaus F. Zimmermann in Wirtschaftliche Freiheit. Das ordnungspolitische Journal vom 22. Juni 2022. Paper on Blog: LINK. Prepublication text here. Further literature: LINK.
  • June Spring Issue: Is the European Union on course to become the big loser in the global tech race? A symposium of views in the new issue of ‘The International Economy’, The magazine of international economic policy with a contribution of Klaus F. Zimmermann on pp. 47-48. LINK
  • March 3o: Klaus F. Zimmermann; Risk, time and social preferences across generations and family clusters, LinkedIn article. LINK
  • March 27: Klaus F. Zimmermann; Religiosity, and how it affects smoking, drinking and drug use in Romania, LinkedIn article. LINK
  • March 2: Interview of Klaus F. Zimmermann; in: “Grenzen der Wissenschaft”, Part 1 (“Von Atomkraft bis Contergan”) on the 2008 financial market crisis and the limits of forecasting (in German). Video of Part 1 (available until March 1, 2027). ZDFinfo.
  • January 30: Vu M. Ngo, Klaus F. Zimmermann, Phuc via @LinkedIn V. Nguyen, Toan Luu Duc Huynh and Huan H. Nguyen (2021). “CAMPAGNE VACCINALE. Bons et mauvais élèves de la vaccination dans le monde : radioscopie des facteurs clés.” Interview with the French media Atlantico. PDF. LINK to English version.
  • January 25: Vu M. Ngo, Klaus F. Zimmermann, Phuc V. Nguyen, Toan Luu Duc Huynh and Huan H. Nguyen (2021). “Understanding the setup and speed of global COVID-19 vaccination campaigns”. VoxEU on 25 January 2022.




  • July 11: Interview with the School of Public Policy (SPP) of the Central European University (CEU) in Budapest. Published on the SSP website. On the benefits and challenges of research and teaching in the Hungarian capital. Text.
  • July 4: hvg. pp. 52-54. Prominent Hungarian News Magazine. MIGRÁCIÓRÓL: Előny a befogadónál (Migration: Advantages for the Natives). Interviewed by Zoltan Farkas. PDF of text. Website report GLO.
  • Winter 2019: More global solidarity will also provide higher well-being. In: A Symposium of Views. Why is Populism On the Rise and What Do the Populists Want? The International Economy. Winter 2019. P. 33.





List of opinion pieces and links to articles. (2001 – February 2016.)