The President of the Global Labor Organization (GLO), Klaus F. Zimmermann, is currently the George Soros Chair Professor at the School of Public Policy of the Central European University (CEU) in Budapest, where he teaches a class in Global Labor Economics. On May 8, he will deliver a university-wide public lecture on “Global Labor Economics: Challenges and Benefits” (see here for further details and the possibility to participate).

On the initiative of Huiyao (Henry) Wang, the President of the Beijing-based Center for China and Globalization (CCG), a large number of participants representing global organizations recently met in Hong Kong to debate and foster the creation of a World Talent Alliance. The event, organized by the Center for China and Globalization Hong Kong Council, took place on April 10, 2019. Under the direction and leadership of Henry Wang, a larger number of speakers debated the needs and perspectives of global talent flows.
George Soros Chair and GLO President Zimmermann was participating at the event. Representing GLO, he was given the honor to open the panel debate on the future of talent movements around the world. While being a long-term advocate of regulated (legal), but open global labor flows, Zimmermann explained the large potentials of talented worker flows for global welfare and regional development. He strongly welcomed the Chinese initiative fostered by Henry Wang, which as he said would “nicely complement the Chinese Belt & Road project“.
Transnational movements of talent have become a key component of economic growth and international relationships. The global movement of talent fosters societal change, generates well-being of the public and promotes peace and development around the world.
