Global Insights: Another global trade war in 2025?

Another global trade war in 2025? By Klaus F. Zimmermann

Flourishing trade relationships between countries are crucial to the international division of labor and welfare. With forthcoming political changes in the United State and Europe, the trade disputes between China, the US and the European Union may become a closely watched global issue.

But will this conflict culminate in another global trade war by 2025, potentially triggering a major economic crisis? Or can a balance between cooperation and confrontation be achieved?

Recent political shifts in the US and the EU, particularly in Italy, France and Germany, have rendered the “Western” world more conservative, nationalistic, and less focused on globalization. Political agendas are overshadowing economic logic. Consequently, China is frequently viewed as a trade powerhouse endangering economic well-being. Incoming US president Donald Trump has proposed significant tariffs on Chinese and EU imports to reduce US trade deficits with these economies.

The EU is urged to increase its oil and gas imports from the US. Regarding China, targeted industries encompass those vital to national security, such as semiconductors, rare earth minerals, and pharmaceuticals, with additional measures controlling sensitive technologies, including artificial intelligence and quantum computing.

Revoking China’s “most favored nation” status in the US, termed Permanent Normal Trade Relations, could be a significant initial move.

Trade disputes between China and the EU are mainly focused on the electric vehicle sector, with Europe, particularly Germany, losing its dominance in the car industry. The EU accuses China of unfair trade practices, including company subsidies.

Latin America is another area of trade competition and dispute. The EU-Mercosur treaty, signed by EU Commission president Ursula von der Leyen in early December, is a major trade agreement involving the EU and Mercosur countries (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay). This treaty aims to reduce tariffs and trade barriers, anticipating welfare gains for both regions.

China has funded a new deep-water port in Chancay, Peru, under its Belt and Road Initiative. Inaugurated in the presence of President Xi Jinping, this port is expected to significantly boost trade between South America and Asia, while also facilitating trade into South America.

As for Trump, he has warned Panama that the Panama Canal, a crucial route for global sea freight, should not fall into the “wrong hands”.  Additionally, the US is displeased with the Mercosur agreement, as it intensifies competition with the EU.

Anticipating trade conflicts in 2025, China aims to boost domestic demand and industrial upgrading while avoiding structural reforms to mitigate new economic risks while EU might counter US tariffs by diversifying energy sources, increasing tariffs on US goods and services (such as the Digital Service Tax on imported software services), and pursuing trade partners in regions like Mercosur, Africa, and the “Indo-Pacific. EU countries need to swiftly ratify the Mercosur treaty, though internal criticism persists as Spain, Germany, and the Netherlands stand to benefit more than France and Belgium.

Investing in negotiations to minimize or avoid trade war damages is beneficial for global welfare. Respecting national cultures, strategies, and borders is essential to prevent political dominance and achieve these gains. Balancing security and economic policy objectives has grown increasingly important. Failing this, greater autonomy, diversified supply chains, and a focus on trading with allied nations would be the only alternative. With this common understanding, a global agreement among major trade players appears feasible.

Why is such a deal profitable? Tariffs and trade barriers raise prices for consumer and investment goods in countries implementing these policies, leading to inflation, unemployment, and a lower standard of living in the US or Europe. Additionally, these measures impact European and American businesses operating from China or Europe.

Trade wars can harm beyond trade by diminishing investor confidence, increasing economic uncertainty, and hindering the exchange of ideas, skilled labor, and technology, as well as hindering climate change mitigation and efforts towards a sustainable global economy.

Current public debates on trade policy may mark the start of negotiations seeking a viable compromise to avert harmful trade wars. The willingness to engage in trade wars, if required, can serve as a deterrent.

The author is a professor at the Free University of Berlin and the president of the Global Labor Organization, a Germany-based world-wide network of researchers investigating the path of globalization.

A shorter version of this post was published as Will there be another global trade war in 2025? in China Daily, December 30, 2024, P. 9, in the section “China and the World Roundtable – 2025 Outlook. The five critical questions for 2025”.
Published online & print PDF version.
Prepublication PDF (Global Insights: Another global trade war in 2025? Longer & more complete)

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Happy Holidays 2024 & Season’s Greetings!

Happy Holidays & Season’s Greetings to all friends and followers.
Klaus F. Zimmermann

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The Factors That Reduce Fertility and The Policies that Enhance it

The kick-off conference “The Factors That Reduce Fertility and The Policies that Enhance it” of the Family, Fertility and Human Development Initiative on December 19-20, 2024 at the Corvinus University of Budapest aimed to convene leading scholars and analysts from around the world to discuss the causes and consequences of fertility decline using data analyses to identify differences in fertility by socioeconomic status, religion, and culture.

Program of the conference.

Klaus F. Zimmermann, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Population Economics and President of the Global Labor Organization (GLO) attended the conference as a discussant and member of the research group.

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Migration: Konferenz der Leopoldina in Halle (Saale) am 27. – 29. November 2024

Die Leopoldina, Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften Deutschlands, veranstaltet am 27. – 29. November 2024 in Halle (Saale) eine öffentliche Fachveranstaltung zum Thema Migration, bei dem Herausforderungen und Chancen von Wanderungen diskutiert werden.

Link zum Program

Klaus F. Zimmermann ist Mitorganisator der Veranstaltung, Podiumsteilnehmer des Panels “Einwanderung – Herausforderungen und Chancen” und hält einen Vortrag zu “Flucht und Arbeit: Vom Mythos zur Wirklichkeit”. Er ist Senator der Leopoldina und Obmann (Chair) der Sektion 25 “Ökonomik und Empirische Sozialwissenschaften”.

Zimmermann ist ferner emeritierter Professor der Universität Bonn, aktiver Honorarprofessor der Freien Universität Berlin und der Maastricht University sowie Professorial Fellow von UNU-MERIT, Maastricht. Als Präsident der Global Labor Organization (GLO) leitet er ein weltweites Forschernetzwerk mit über 2200 Mitgliedern, das sich auch schwerpunktmäßig mit Flucht, Arbeitsmigration und Arbeitsmärkten beschäftigt. Er ist Herausgeber (Editor-in-Chief) des Journal of Population Economics, des führenden Fachjournals der Bevölkerungsökonomie. Zu Fragen der Migrationspolitik äußert er sich seit über 35 Jahren. 

After the conference in the city center of Halle (Saale).

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Programm (LINK)

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Visiting Beijing-China to participate at the Seventh Renmin University of China & GLO Annual Conference 2024

The 7th Renmin University of China, Beijing & GLO Conference 2024 will take place in Beijing on 9-10 November 2024 at Renmin University of China on “Low Fertility and Population Ageing”. The event is jointly organized by the School of Labor and Human Resources at Renmin University of China and the Global Labor Organization and supported by the Journal of Population Economics (JOPE). 

The full program of the meeting is available here: LINK

GLO President Klaus F. Zimmermann is a co-organizer of the event and will present a keynote on on “The Economics of Fertility Revisited”. During his visit of Renmin University next week, he will meet with co-authors, Associate Editors, authors and potential authors of JOPE and will present a review of the German employment situation on November 8 at the Renmin University of China Employment Panel.


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Parental Gender Stereotypes and Student Well-Being: Paper now published OPEN ACCESS Online First in Kyklos – Math Stereotypes of Parents Increase Student Misery!

Across the world, a well-known gender stereotype suggests that boys are better at learning mathematics than girls. Using rich data on Chinese school kids, the study demonstrates that this parental stereotype has a very strong and robust negative impact on BOTH girl and boy student wellbeing. The data also reveal that the stereotype is wrong.

Shuai Chu, Xiangquan Zeng & Klaus F. Zimmermann (2024), “Parental Gender Stereotypes and Student Wellbeing in China”,  OPEN ACCESS Online First: Kyklos. Online Version 25 October 2024. PDF. Free to access.


A prominent gender stereotype claims that “boys are better at learning mathematics than girls.” Confronted with such a parental attitude, how does this affect the well-being of 11- to 18-year-old students in Chinese middle schools? Although well-being has often been shown to be not much gender-diverse, the intergenerational consequences of such stereotypes are not well studied. Expecting too much from boys and too little from girls might damage self-esteem among school kids. Using large survey data covering districts all over China reveals that one-quarter of the parents agree with the math stereotype. It is shown that this has strong detrimental consequences for the offspring’s well-being. Students are strongly more depressed, feeling blue, unhappy, not enjoying life, and sad with no male–female differences, whereas parental education does not matter for this transfer. Various robustness tests including other than math stereotypes and an IV analysis confirm the findings. Moderating such effects, which is in line with societal objectives in many countries, not only supports gender equality but also strengthens the mental health of children.

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Research Visit to Edinburgh, Scotland, October 13-17, 2024

On the invitation of Prof. Wen Hou (University of Edinburgh Business School & Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Chinese Economics and Business Studies), GLO President Klaus F. Zimmermann (UNU-MERIT, Maastricht University & FU Berlin & Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Population Economics) has visited Edinburgh/Scotland on October 13-17 to discuss research and publication issues. On October 14, both visited the hometown of Adam Smith (Kirkcaldy) and passed St Andrews University, one of the oldest universities in the world.

Hou and Zimmermann also discussed publication strategies and future research initiatives. Hou is GLO Fellow and Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Zimmermann GLO President, and Senator & Section Chairperson of the Leopoldina, The German National Academy. Both are members of the Academia Europea, The Academy of Europe.

On October 15, Zimmermann spoke in a workshop in the University of Edinburgh Business School about “Publishing in Research Journals“. On October 16, he presented his research paper “Parental Gender Stereotypes and Student Wellbeing” at the Royal Society of Edinburgh.

Klaus F. Zimmermann & host Wen Hou after the event on October 16, 2024 in front of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.

Talk and exchange with PhD students of the University of Edinburgh at the University of Edinburgh Business School on October 15, 2024.

Left: Honoring the founder of economics in his birth town, Kirkcaldy. (In front of the Adam Smith Centre.) Right: Passing University of St Andrews while visiting the town.

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The 49th EBES Conference – University of Piraeus Athens, Greece, October 16-18, 2024 has started.

The 49th EBES Conference – Athens takes place on October 16th, 17th, and 18th, 2024 in Athens, Greece. The conference is hosted by the Department of Economics, University of Piraeus and is organized in Hybrid Mode (online and in-person). GLO & EBES President Klaus F. Zimmermann provides welcome remarks and moderates a session on publishing in research journals. Conference Program.


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Visiting University of Groningen to join the Inaugural Lecture of Prof. Milena Nikolova on “The Economics of Happiness”

In her inaugural lecture on October 11, 2024 at the University of Groningen, Professor Milena Nikolova explored the Economics of Happiness, tracing its historical roots and modern relevance while drawing on her research in the field.

As the Aletta Jacobs Professor in the Economics of Well-being at the University of Groningen, Milena Nikolova also serves as an Editor of the Journal of Population Economics (JOPE), a Section Editor of “Welfare, Well-Being, Happiness” of the Springer Nature Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics, and a Cluster Lead for Happiness of the Global Labor Organization.

On the occasion of the event, JOPE Editor Nikolova also met with JOPE Associate Editor Viola Angelini (University of Groningen) and JOPE Editor-in-Chief Klaus F. Zimmermann (UNU-MERIT & Maastricht University) to discuss journal business issues. JOPE invites submissions for its Collection Wellbeing and Happiness.

In 2017, Nikolova & Zimmermann had published: Nikolova, Milena, Monica Roman & Klaus F. Zimmermann. Left Behind but Doing Good? Civic Engagement in Two Post-Socialist Countries. Journal of Comparative Economics, 45 (2017) 658–684;

At the occasion of the conference, Zimmermann has met various GLO Fellows, authors and co-authors, including those who made significant contributions to the Springer Nature Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics, he is editing as the Editor-in-Chief. Among those was Jo Ritzen, a colleague at UNU-MERIT & Maastricht University; Jo is a former Minister of Education of the Netherlands, a former Vice-President of the Worldbank, and a former President of Maastricht University. Ritzen & Zimmermann collaborated over the past on various research articles.

The Grote Markt, Groningen.

(c) Pjotr Wiese
Milena Nikolova, Klaus F. Zimmermann & Viola Angelini
Klaus F. Zimmermann & Jo Ritzen

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Japanese Garden in Bonn

Always great to visit & relax! My favorite place in the Rheinaue in Bonn (October 10, 2024).

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