Journal of Population Economics. The new Report of the Editor-in-Chief available: Improved strong performance of the top journal in population economics

The Journal of Population of Economics is an international quarterly research journal that publishes original theoretical and applied contributions on the economics of population, household, and human resources. It is owned by Springer Nature and operates from POP at UNU-MERIT, Maastricht, The Netherlands. It is published in collaboration with the Global Labor Organization (GLO) and the European Society for Population Economics (ESPE). The journal is global and invites top and innovative submissions from all parts of the world.

The Journal of Population of Economics is considered to be the top journal in the field of population economics. Editor-in-Chief is Klaus F. Zimmermann (UNU-MERIT, The Netherlands), who is also the President of GLO. He had initiated the creation of ESPE, and was its first Secretary and later ESPE President.

Editors are Alessandro Cigno (University of Florence, Italy), Erdal Tekin (American University, USA) and Junsen Zhang (Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong). Managing Editor is Michaella Vanore (‎Maastricht University, The Netherlands). For the complete Editorial Board see the website.

After the Journal of Economic Growth, the Journal of Population Economics is the highest ranked Springer Nature journal in economics. It publishes 40 research papers out of 524 (2017) submissions, which implies a 92.4% final rejection rate. Submissions have significantly increased also in 2018, so that the number of submissions obtained in this year is expected to be close to 600. The 2-Year Impact Factor of Clarivate Analytics (previously Thomson Reuters) for 2016 has been 1.136 (5-Year Impact Factor: 1.846); it is expected to be around 1.3 for 2017.

Number of Submissions to the Journal of Population Economics.







Among the submissions in 2017, 47% were from Europe, 22% from North America and 21% from Asia and the Middle East. In terms of online access to articles in 2017, 34% of the visits were from North America, 29% from Europe and 25% from Asia and the Middle East. This documents well the global reach of the Journal of Population Economics.

FOR MORE DETAILS see the new Report of the Editor-in-Chief 2018.

Report Editor-in-Chief 2018

Managing Editor Michaella Vanore and Klaus F. Zimmermann working intensively together at UNU-MERIT, Maastricht.



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